Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tom Pinch

If it were ever possible to digest a particular piece of literature and be changed by it, I wish I could have done so many years ago, then I may have gone forward much sooner than I had without all the melodrama that I often relished in applying to my situation. Had I read those last words of Tom Pinch, and related to them, I am curious to know if it would have bettered my typical teenage circumstance, where I was living proof of the quote "only unfulfilled love can be romantic".

Had I read Tom Pinch's conclusions at the end of the underrated novel by Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit, 'I cannot not grieve the impossible' then I would have perhaps attempted to put that understanding in practice... Hindsight is the least merciful of wisdoms, the most unforgiving. Perhaps I should not be so critical of my younger self. After all, if I could live my life all over again I'm sure I would make the same mistakes, only sooner.


Anonymous said...

no puede ser mas lindo esto! xxx

tolenti said...

Genial Icaio!! ES que el privilegio de ser joven viene junto con la falta de sabiduria. Con los años te vas arrugando pero te vas poniendo mas sabio, mas seguro, mas tranquilo. Y es la sabiduria la que te permite entenderte y perdonarte.

tolenti said...

Me encanta la expresión "my younger self", no existe en castellano.