Monday, December 04, 2006

The Future

I often wonder what the girls will be like in the future, how their characters will develop. I can already imagine Juanita as a bit of a tomboy who enjoys extreme sports and driving her parents sick with worry if she'll break any bones. She's so agile, I want to find some sort of agility classes for her like martial arts, gymnastics or ballet when she's old enough... Catalina will be more efeminite. People say she already looks more feminine at two weeks than Juanita did. And she does look beautiful.
I feel so impatient to see their near future - to hear Juanita speak and communicate mixing the two languages, and when will Catalina be crawling? How will they interact? I hope they don't emulate their mother and aunty who fought with knives and threw crockery at each other. Rosario and I met an old lady who sat beside us when we went to Regent's Park with Juanis. She told us she had three children, but her youngest died young. We shouldn't worry so much about the future and the money and the house and the career, and value every day as it comes because they pass very quickly. Even Mum said we'll look back on these days and say they were the happiest of our lives. Maybe my ambition for my family and status clouds my enjoyment sometimes, I admit it.
I told someone today "I still can't believe I'm a married man with a mortgage and two children". The two children bit is the hardest to believe. The person I said it to replied, "well you better start believing it!" Yeah I guess I should.


Anonymous said...

Como me emociona todo lo que sentis! y como lo expresas!
No te angusties por el futuro. el futuro es hoy.
Y confiĆ”. Confia que hay Alguien que siempre los esta cuidando. Y no dejes de disfrutar tu presente ni un minuto.
Te quiero muuucho.

yeah ☆ said...

what a cute pic the first one.
your two babies are gorgeous