Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Every Day

Catalina is growing really quickly, it's amazing to see. She's so delicate and tiny it's almost stifling to express feelings for her - I can't kiss her until she tickles, or throw her 10ft in the air like I would with Juanita so I have to contain it all inside! She's no bigger than my forearm, and cries like a little bird cries for food. So far she's been a dream, she only cries in the bath and when we change her nappy. When Juanita cried over anything at her age we would panic and do anything to stop the crying. This time whilst Catalina's bawling Ro and I just stand there smiling at how cute she looks.

I've been following Rosario's routine and going to playgroups with all the mothers and toddlers. If I am holding Catalina it's like I'm Tom Cruise or something; all the mothers come up to me and oogle over Cat in my arms, it's quite endearing! How old is she? Isn't she lovely! Today one mother said how at Cat's age you need to value every day you're with her because they change so quickly. She's a week old today and already looks different, more filled out, a little plumper and healthier for all of mum's milk.


Anonymous said...

Que buenas fotos!! como cambió Catalina!!
Me encantan tus relatos.
Esta vez no encontre en el diccionario : Stifling y bowling
El resto todo perfecto.

I c a i o said...

me encanta que lo leas!
stifling - sofocante
bawling - llorando tanto, como gritando