Saturday, March 01, 2008

The devil makes work...

I like to think of this week ending in the solitary 29th February certainly as fortuitous if not anything else. The previous week I had filmed for a large production company that specializes in football reports across Europe as a test to my skill, alongside ten other seasoned cameramen, with the hope of repeat work in the future. At the end of the evening I was frustrated and angry. I barely caught the one goal of the match, I couldn't fully anticipate the ball's arrival when passed from player to player, and other cameramen had experience shooting hockey, cricket and golf. Competition was high. Aside from that our house move was continually delayed, and more things were demanded from us for banal legal reasons which delayed everything further and further. And finally, I agreed to help someone out by filming a pilot for a cooking series involving African food with a suspiciously naive approach to organising the filming day. I had a lot on my mind.

On Thurdsay plans were finally put into place and we exchanged contracts, so now we're definitely moving to Dorking and the family awaits us eagerly. On Friday I recieved an email from the producer who organised the football filming and said my footage was among the best he'd watched that evening! I couldn't believe it. He valued my fluent Spanish as an asset and said he'd be calling me soon for work! As for the pilot, I was a little nervous because we were filming in a tiny kitchen with no room to put lights up. After trying and failing with several options, I placed a pole between two walls and hung a light from it and solved the problem. As the day carried on I realised that I was directing everybody and they were all following my instructions without question. It's not as if I want to be a Director, but when nobody else quite knows what to do I have to start telling people. At the end of the day after the equipment was packed away it dawned on me I am actually quite good at what I do, and it had been hard to remember such things after an empty winter and too much time to think about it. Just as the devil makes work for idle hands, being busy keeps me sane.


Rosario said...

Viste, viste que yo te dije?!!! Vamos Icaio todavía!!!!

(ahora, no te me vayas a covertir en un rompe con el football, eh? Que me gustas mucho mas sin football! ;) )

tolenti said...

No todas las personas trabajan con exito para lo que tienen talento. Vos sos una de las pocas. Para lograrlo se necesita una enorme coherencia entre las propias habilidades y la conviccion que se tiene de ellas. Y vos tenes esa coherencia. Porque con el talento ( que tambien lo tenes) no alcanza.

tolenti said...

Y lo de que la ocupacion te mantiene activo... es puro Libra

I c a i o said...

Tenes razon Tolenti. Desde cuando tenia 7 años tenia bastante talento para dibujar, pero incluso el final de la universidad nunca tenia las ganas de sobrevivir de eso. Con tanto talento el exito no viene sin ganas, perseverancia, y suerte. Que linda que sos decirme todo eso!