Saturday, April 12, 2008

How we met

When I met Rosario in the school we worked in together I thought she was gorgeous. Unfortunately it wasn't good timing for me because I'd just come out of a long-term relationship. When we started meeting each other randomly in the school corridors I would feel nervous and excited that such a good looking girl would make the same eyes at me, but because I was still mixed up inside about my previous relationship, being such a purist, I thought I'd just take things nice and slowly and see what happens. But I just appeared to her like I was being hard-to-get, and my apparent disinterest only interested her more.

I couldn't believe she was giving me all the positive signs, being as attractive as she was. We'd go out for coffee regularly, we'd connect on different levels and our relationship developed quite quickly. I was thinking about changing careers and she encouraged me whole-heartedly, giving me an intelligent energy and positivity I wasn't finding anywhere else. Then one day I received loads of texts in one go and was taken back at how confident she was - over the months she was playing all the cards in the flirting game!! One night we somehow ended up in Bar Madrid where after a few drinks and a few more dances she surprisingly decided to leave early. I told her I would accompany her to the main entrance which she was surprised at (or did she just feign surprise?) and then I took her in my arms and kissed her goodnight. I remember the scene quite clearly. There were two bouncers at the nightclub door looking at us, it was a warm summer's night in the middle of London, cars whizzing passed and none of it shaking our stare; mouth open, her eyes staring up at me almost in disbelief. That night determined all others that followed.

But being the indecisive Libran that I am I wanted to play things my way, and was often taken aback by how 'open' she was. I wanted to feel like I was in control of how our 'flirting' was progressing, but she was making all the moves! It was understandable since I was taking so long to make up my mind. However, upset at not feeling in control, I told her I just wanted to be friends and predicted she'd back off a little but be just as keen. Well, she did more than that; she disappeared. No more cheeky texts, no more calls, no more coffees after work. Gone.

That's when I realized I wanted her. After a month of hearing not even a whisper, I called her. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Paso este meme a Uchi, Marie y Entretanto.


Maria Marta said...

That's Argentinian girls for you. ;)

I c a i o said...

What can I say!? They're certainly good-looking enough! ;-)

Anonymous said...

what a lovely story...and good to hear your side of it.

Sil said...

Es que a una chica como Rosario, cuando está segura de lo que quiere no la para nadie. Aunque también supo desaparecer en el momento decisivo. ¿"Taken aback" es algo así como "apabullado"?

Anonymous said...

¿Meme...? Me-me mataste. Ok, porque sos vos. Pero no me apures. Cuando lo publique te aviso.

Buenísimo tu relato.


I c a i o said...

Thanks ana!

Madre; si, apabullado en ingles es 'to be overwhelmed' que es un poco mas fuerte que 'taken aback', pero el mismo sentido. Es cierto, sabia desaparacer justo cuando hizo falta!

entretanto; gracias - y sin apuro, claro. abrazo

Jesi said...

Nice story ;) Nice couple ;)

adoptar-salta said...

I liked this:
"That's when I realized I wanted her. After a month of hearing not even a whisper, I called her"

Is so tipical!!!
Nice blog, I"ll read you. Kisses

I c a i o said...

Thank you Nosotras!

Luchiana said...

Q lindooooo!!! Y pensar que yo estaba ahí cuando Ro te mandaba esos mensajes de texto y yo: Rosario, no seas pesada!...
mucho no me prestó atenció ...en fin.. hizo bien...
Y, sin duda sus energias se complementan...está a la viste (Libra y Aries son opuestos...excelente combineta! -meaning "combination" in my own words-)

Anonymous said...

che, sigo sin entender cómo hablas así en inglés y es algo que "no entienda" pero necesito entendés?? jajaja...parezco loca...
sos argentino en London desde hace mucho o sos inglés pero bilingüe???
hacete un post acerca de eso please!!!!
me re intriga!!!!
Rosario entiende!!!