Thursday, April 12, 2007


This photo pretty much sums up Rosario's regular activities outside the "drop-ins" she goes to in and around Camden; Regents Park. There behind them is a statue donated by Sir Cowasjee Jehangir Readymoney in 1869 from India as gratitude for the protection of the Parsees. Somebody must have nicked the name Readymoney because you can't read it there today.
Juanita always runs up and down it at least four times before Ro tells her 'this way' so that she follows her. I like this photo. Especially Juanita's tights. Film is so much nicer than digital, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

A vos también te gusta hacer historia viste? Queres que te cuente la de Charles Dickens? Si, me encanta la foto.

I c a i o said...

si, me gusta! Deberia hacerlo mas amenudo, quizas de Dickens - sabes algo de él?