Monday, July 16, 2007

impeccable timing

I really feel like someone upstairs is looking after me. As a freelancer fresh on the market I've kinda coasted the last few months with a reassuring calendar that is booked with dates for work. But I'm coming to the end of those little ticked dates in my diary and I've been starting to worry again about where I'm gonna get more. So I'd set out today especially to sit at my computer and do the most horrific of things, the one and only thing I detest about my job; to sell myself.

So I've been sat at my computer for an hour looking for who best to email, and suddenly get a call from a director I did a favour for in February, to shoot a short series for BBC4. Oh well! What's going on!? Is this a flattering version of the Truman Show? The Sanchez Marti Show!? Honestly, the timing is frightening. And if I don't see ya, good afternoon good evening and goodnight.

1 comment:

Rosario said...

Just brilliant!!!!! God bless Ed Harris!