Thursday, July 12, 2007

the new camera

ok so now it's my turn to attempt to beat my wife at an entry that shows off our new camera. Today was a family day, and like other family days we photographed our little girls endlessly. Here's one of Catalina doing an impression of her grandfather Raul Ernesto Martí. Notice the left hand raised on the lap, the raised right eyebrow... just like Luli.

Here she's a star - notice the rays coming out around her. You can actually only see them when she's in the sand funnily enough, so today was my lucky day to get it on camera - it never lies, they say. PS notice the small cigarette replacement in right hand. A throwback memory to when Luli used to smoke. Even now I think Cata whispers to me when I'm not quite listening,
"pa' que vivís?"

And here Juanis is her usual self, although this time she wore a tutu.


Loli said...

Ah no! me muero con el tutú de Juanis!!!!!!!
qué linda foto, Icaio!!!!!!!

y EL "PÁ QUÉ VIVÍS", qué querés que te diga, me mató.

Te juro

Loli said...

guau, no puedo creer que comenté antes que Tolenti!!!!

Hola Tolenti, estuve insolente. Lo sé.

I c a i o said...

Loli sos lo mas, pero donde esta el comentario de tolenti? que me hiciste?

Rosario said...

Hola Loli!

El tutu me encanto! Se lo regalo una amiga de Buenos Aires.

Y no te hagas problema que la gente favorita de Tolenti es muy insolente!

(jujujajjaaaaa, le lei esto a Icaio y dijo con tono triste: "si, pero yo no soy insolente" jajajaa)

Anonymous said...

Luli tiene que leer este blog!!! Le van a encantar tus comentarios sobre el parecido de Cata!
Si, Loli, esta vez me ganaste.
Y vos Icaio no te creas eh? o no te acordas de tus comentarios cuando yo intentaba contarles mis experiencias en the Dickens´house?