Monday, July 16, 2007

Spitting Image

Between my spouse and I a competition has slowly become apparent since both of us have blogs; who gets the better pic. The thing is, I normally lose since Rosario is always writing some sort of entry whereas I only add to this blog occasionally. This time though, I fought for this pic. The bath tub would take ages to fill, and we were on our way out so I just figured I'd dissinfect the kitchen sink and bathe her in there. And look how happy she is!

This photo is disturbing; It reminds me of me when I was around her age. Disturbing in the sense that it IS me wearing a girl's dress and neckless. Now I haven't done that since I was a student, but I won't go into that...


Anonymous said...

Muy buenas fotos. Me parece que hoy no vale la pena ir al blog de tu mujer (jeje...). Abrazo.

I c a i o said...

muy bien, Mati. Alli vamos, poco a poco...

Rosario said...


Uchi said...

Icaio, I´m Uchi from Bariloche, Argentina! I just told your wife in her blog that I used to bathe my daughter in the kitchen sink, it´s the perfect size, the perfect height, you don´t have to bend, my back was thankful for that! Plus the baby enjoys the view, quite different from my bathroom with plain white tiles on the walls!

Uchi said...

Me acabo de dar cuenta que hablas perfecto castellano... pero bueno, creo que me explique igual!
Ojo con andar poniendose vestidos y necklaces eh? Por algo se empieza!

I c a i o said...

Hola Uchi! Thanks for the feedback, you're right about saving your back - and being 'alternative' feels pretty cool aswell!

...y lo de los necklaces, ni te cuento de los high heels.